Auto Glass Repair Dallas TX - auto glass replacement Dallas | repair | Protek
Auto Glass Company serving:  Dallas, Duncanville, Desoto, Cedar Hill, Lancaster, Sunnyvale, Red Oak, Waxahachie, Hutchins, Ferris,  Farmers Branch, Highland Park, Park Cities, University Park, Glenn Heights, Arlington Texas

Auto Glass Replacement Dallas - Auto glass repair and replacement for Dallas, TX - Serving Highland Park, University Park, & all of Dallas County

We Can Fix That!
If it is Auto Glass....We are up to the challenge and can handle any type of vehicle!!
Call Us Today!
Serving the Metroplex Since 1990

* Guaranteed workmanship against water leakage
Auto Glass Replacement - No matter what type of vehicle, Protek Auto Glass can replace it!  For list of what we HERE!

Warranty on Glass Replacement - On fixed glass installations such as your front and rear windshields Protek will guarantee against leakage for as long as you own the vehicle, except that which occurs as a result of vehicle collision damage or metal deterioration such as rust. All operating window replacements, such as door glass are warranted for 1 year against defects in workmanship.

Rock Chip Repair - There are many types of repairs that can be done on windows that are chipped by debris.  Chips that are no larger than the size of a quarter can be safely repaired without having to replace your glass.

Warranty on Rock Chip Repair - To repair chips, Protek will inject a special adhesive into the damaged part of the glass. Windshield repairs are warranted as long as you own your vehicle. If a repair fails, or the crack gets larger, we will credit the repair amount toward a new windshield on all repairs made by Protek Auto Glass.

Protek Auto Glass can also repair both manual and electronic operating mechanisms in your doors!  Call Protek Auto Glass today or fill out our Work Request form and a professional will contact you as quickly as possible!
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